Some people conscious of the sexual power, use it for obtaining profits. In boxing, every good trainer imposes to his boxer a pre-match preparation of 90 days so that he does not lose his sexual energies and has a stronger punch.
In Soccer, local teams has a 3 days pre-game at the outskirts of the city so that they do not lose his sexual energies. In the world-wide championship in 1.986, Argentina's players were imposed the longest pre-match of all seasons: Argentina trounced unbeaten in the championship.
A scientific report affirms: "TESTOSTERONE exerts a very important role in our behavior.It is a stimulant that takes part in all types of aggression of human beings. In a soccer match it can be said which of both teams is going to win. It is necessary to bet on those with higher levels of Testosterone in blood".
In NASA, maximum scientific organization in the world, the sexual activity of scientists is controlled so that they can keep themselves in trim.
Formerly, men in Egypt lived up to 140 years; not long ago it was possible to live 90 years. Currently, due to masturbation, sexual abuse, synthetic foods, synthetic growing hormones (that are used to fatten chickens, cattle, etc.) aging begins approximately at 35 years.
In the world there is a group of people who economically dominate all peoples, they know about the power of sex and they do not have sexual abuse because they would lose its dominion and power, nevertheless, they have created all kinds of vices to peoples in order to explode and make them mindless. They know that a stupid people, full of vices and without sexual power, it is easier to manipulate.
Modern sexologists are destroying the possibilities of a strong and vigorous youth, advising to our young people the vice of masturbation.
KINSEY, MASTER and JOHNSON, considered the founders of modern sexology affirm that a young person can masturbate several times a day and according to them, medicine has not found any health alteration caused by masturbation. According to these sexologists, masturbation is very important during the psycho-sexual development as much in man as in woman.
They also affirm that a man can have sexual relations with a woman during menstruation. This is detrimental, because menstruation is a cold dead-substance and man absorbs that cold which passes to the brain affecting even more his sexual power.
Some modern sexologists also affirm that the relations through the anus are optional and satisfactory. In fact, each organ of the body performs a specific function and the anus is to defecate.
Those who have sexual relations through the anus, damage their sphincters and generates an easy process of hemorrhoids and infections at level of the large intestine and duodenum. These type of relations are constituted in a high-risk factor of sexual transmission diseases, among homosexual men.
.: Sexual Development.
The "father" of Psychoanalysis, affirms that sex has two purposes, affective-spiritual and physiological. As a physiological function, sex is the result of the development of the primary sexual characteristics, that is the organic sexual development (Man completes his physico-sexual development at 21 and woman at 18).
During the first 7 years of age, the sexual energy in the boy is distributed in the whole body. From 7 to 14 years, the sexual energy goes to the sexual organs (testicles and ovaries) and changes in man and woman are verified. Bones stretch a little in man, his body turns into masculine, tone of his voice changesa little, changes begin, but he has not completed his sexual development. This is the puberty stage. By then, man certainly has produced semen and spermatozoa, but these are not properly mature.
It is scientifically known that spermatozoa, that is, the masculine seed begins to mature at the age of 18 and completes his maturation at 21, when man ends his testicular and endocrine development, etc.
When we mentioned the vegetable kingdom with the example of a lemon tree, we explained how the tree could be atrophied if the lemons of the first harvest are picked before their ripening, that is, before letting its first seeds ripen. The same happens in the animal kingdom, and this is why veterinarians are very careful on this concern. The situation in the human kingdom is very similar. If a young man starts having sexual intercourse with prostitutes, animals, masturbation before his 21; that is, before his complete sexual development; his final sexual and endocrine development will be affected which will bring consequences lifelong.
When the sexual system is not correctly developed due to masturbation and sexual abuse, the consequences start showing up at age 35. The sexual energy drive starts diminishing (which produces impotence) and all the body is affected. The circulatory, digestive, endocrine and nervous systems start failing and premature aging occurs.
Organic illnesses develop more easily and more often in bodies that are sexual degenerated, this way, the nervous-brain-spine system as well as the sympathetic, parasympathetic nervous systems and the glands of internal secretion are also affected. education at early age can be harmful to children...
I found your page very interesting and I have to say that I agree with the others: sex education at early age can be harmful to children... I am going to share with you a real story that happened here in Irapuato, Guanajuato: some little boys from primary raped another little boy, who was in year 4th, the abusers were in year 5. I hate what happened, specially because of the reaction of the mothers of the abusers, they simply said "why so much noise about this?" In the mean time, the abused boy is going to the psychologist and he hasn't been able to get over this trauma...
…I need help urgently…
I have a 6 years old girl and I have caught her in several compromising and unpleasant situations, inappropriate acts in terms of her age. I can't understand how and why she does this, I guess she saw it on the TV, because I have been indeed careful in terms of this type of situation. I have punished her, taking from her what she likes most and nothing changes, and now it is worse because she is teaching it to her 3 years old little brother how to do it. I need help urgently before this gets out of control. What can I do to correct her without maltreating her?. Thanks.
You are absolutely right
it is as if masturbation were my lover, now I don't want my wife and I have erection problems, I have been tied to this vice for 15 years. I would really appreciate if you can send me the method to quit masturbation and pornography.
What a relief to find your page!
I am a sex teacher, I am worried about a 5 years old little girl who mimics the sexual act at bed time, sometimes she wets the bed. I am new here and as the other teachers are old, they don't talk about this case. I want to investigate about this so that I can help this little girl and her teacher. She is not exactly in my classroom but I want to help her. Thanks, waiting for an answer.
What should I do to restore the sexual drive?
Hello, how are you?To be honest I could say that I am suffering with sexual impotence and nobody has given me the answer I am looking for. I have been a masturbation addict since I was 13. In the past, I used to be a stallion but now it's more and more difficult: Due to this problem, I am not the confident guy I used to be with women. I have tried several times to have sexual intercourse and it hasn't been possible. I am 25 years and I am sick with a serious depressive episode. I need your guidance. What should I do to restore the sexual drive and power?
Unfortunate One who dies without knowing the reason its existence
I am writing because the information on the page is very interesting.
To be honest, I have to admit that everything seemed fake at the beginning, but for a reason that I don't understand yet, I kept on reading until I found the testimonies. They were so real, and I know it because I have also experienced these symptoms. Congratulations to those who have been able to quit masturbation, it is indeed difficult. I started when I was 14 and now that I am 20, I am realizing that masturbation became in a terrible vice in my life and due to it I have wasted very valuable things in my life.
You are absolutely right
it is as if masturbation were my lover, now I don't want my wife and I have erection problems, I have been tied to this vice for 15 years. I would really appreciate if you can send me the method to quit masturbation and pornography.
What a relief to find your page!
I am a sex teacher, I am worried about a 5 years old little girl who mimics the sexual act at bed time, sometimes she wets the bed. I am new here and as the other teachers are old, they don't talk about this case. I want to investigate about this so that I can help this little girl and her teacher. She is not exactly in my classroom but I want to help her. Thanks, waiting for an answer.
…my students are indeed confused...
I am a teacher and I want to investigate so to guide my students, in my school students are indeed confused in terms of sex.
…I need help urgently…
I have a 6 years old girl and I have caught her in several compromising and unpleasant situations, inappropriate acts in terms of her age. I can't understand how and why she does this, I guess she saw it on the TV, because I have been indeed careful in terms of this type of situation. I have punished her, taking from her what she likes most and nothing changes, and now it is worse because she is teaching it to her 3 years old little brother how to do it. I need help urgently before this gets out of control. What can I do to correct her without maltreating her?. Thanks.