Carlos Perez

I have a friend 15 years ago and we met with each other every time we were going to the Social Security to draw our pension. He was 57 and had lot of difficult to breathe and walk because he had a tumor in his lung. He told me that he was thinking on going to Cuba for a treatment. I did not see him for a while and when I saw him again I was astonished because he was walking and breathing fine; I asked him: Did you always go to Cuba? He told me no. I was more surprised and asked him how did you manage to cure yourself? He answered: come closer because not everybody can hear what I am going to tell you: I was on a treatment drinking urine every day on an empty stomach during several months and look at me I am totally heal, and best of all, the mass that I have in my lungs has completely disappeared. After that the physicians that were treated me were amazed. Now, I am going to the Social Security not to be checking by the doctors but to draw my pension. Carlos Pérez.