
Dear Sirs! First, my apologies for my disappearance for almost 3 years when Ifirst wrote you and you recommended me the urine therapy. I was diagnosed withhepatitis B. Since I met urine therapy I began to practice, 2 years ago. A yearlater I did an analysis of serological markers and it was negative. After a year,I did the same test again and the result was the same. My doctor does notbelieve in urine therapy, he says nobody cam cure hepatitis B, it has no cure.
I also had genital herpes and 2 years ago eruptions disappeared.
But the results are there: negative. Thank you very much and I want to help me passthe testimony of healing to save many lives, thanks to your page, I found that thediseases are curable.
Previous mail On Friday, August 8,2008 at 15:41:55
Greetings. My wife and I werediagnosed with hepatitis B, then we learn that we also had genital herpes and Idespaired. I'm doing a lot of inquiries. I know those are infections that cannot be cured, according to official medicine. When I sought comments fromsomeone on this site and learned that urine therapy is capable of cure, I tookthe hard decision to begin this process of self-cure. I have 5 days and it tookall the urine out of my body, totaling 5 liters and I aam doing well. I beg youto tell me what is the effective dose to continue, for how long and diet that Ihave.
My wife does not want to, She does not accepted. She says when she hasevidence that I am cured, she will take it. When I get better, because I havefaith that I will succeed, will I be immunized for the two diseases so that havingsex with her will not affecte me? While doing the treatment, what attitude shouldI have? Sincerely, Adriano.
Other previous mail
On the day 30.08.08 I had contact with a person trained in natural medicine, who encouraged me enough in dealing with urine therapy. I continue drinking urine, having yesterday (31.08.08), reaching 5½ liters. I think I will not delay the day where I will give my testimony. I am also recommending urine therapy to other people and to visit your website.